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Jupeng Bio has acquired INEOS Bio for the manufacture of biofuels from renewable carbon sources.

Jupeng Bio acquired INEOS Bio, an INEOS subsidiary for the manufacture of biofuels from renewable carbon sources through its proprietary thermochemical and biochemical technology. The heart of this innovative technology comprises a patented anaerobic fermentation process, through which naturally occurring bacteria convert carbon monoxide and hydrogen containing synthesis gas derived from low-cost carbon sources, such as industrial off-gas, municipal solid waste, forestry waste and agricultural waste, into advanced ethanol.


Jupeng Bio acquired the INEOS Bio R&D center in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and full ownership of 489 issued and pending patents and all trade secrets and know-how associated with this innovative process. In addition, all employees from the R&D center and the Engineering team in Houston, Texas, have agreed to continue with Jupeng Bio. Also, several of the core Operations staff who worked on the commercial demonstration plant have transferred to the Houston office.


Jupeng Bio plans to build on the learnings obtained from INEOS Bio’s eight years of experience in developing and commercializing the technology, which included the construction and operation of a commercial scale plant that demonstrated continuous biomass gasification and syngas fermentation. The operation of this plant identified process improvements that will be incorporated into the design of the next generation of bioethanol plants to be built worldwide by Jupeng Bio and its partners.


Jupeng Bio believes this highly innovative technology can productively utilize the large amounts of municipal waste and excess biomass generated by densely populated countries worldwide, especially in China. The promising prospect of converting waste into useful biofuel has motivated Jupeng Bio to purchase and continue the development of the technology. In the near term, Jupeng Bio is working with potential partners to build next generation commercial plants in China. In the long term, Jupeng Bio wishes to provide a carbon neutral, value-adding solution to dealing with wastes, which helps meet social and environmental challenges by reducing CO2 emissions and waste pollution and enhancing energy production worldwide.